Travel is not just about experiencing and exploring the place you want to go, as much as possible you want to satisfy all your senses when you are in a new place. You wanted to feel and taste everything good the place could offer as long as you can whenever possible. And with this, when we travel, we explore the place and likewise find the food that is distinctive and considered as gourmet food from this place because when we do that, that’s the time we can already conclude that we have completely conquered the place.
Here, let me share with you the twelve gourmet foods from around the world which you would like to consider tasting when you are in a country of which these foods are originated. From among the twelve gourmet food listed in the infographic I only have tasted two so far, first is the Macadamia nut which is found in chocolates and the second is Swiftlet Nest, which is the main ingredient of Bird’s nest soup offered in any authentic Chinese restaurant. Philippines is also a supplier of Swiftlet Nest, which is harvested from the caves of Palawan.
Have you tasted any on the list? If not would you be willing to spend or spare budget to taste each if you happen to be in the place this food is being offered? You can share with us your experience about the food by commenting below.
Thanks to Ms. Alexandra Baradi, President of Exceptional Villas who made this infographic and willingly shared this piece. You can check her website at