Pros and Cons of Traveling far versus spending summer at home.
More and more people are opting for staycations rather than going abroad these days. It’s a cheaper and more hassle-free way of spending the summer. And with the summer months just around the corner, it’s a good time to start thinking about this. Below you will find the pros and cons of traveling far and wide, and then the pros and cons of spending summer where you are. The information should help you decide which option is right for you.
Traveling Far & Wide
ProsThe main reason to go someone on the other side of the world is that you get to see something that you’ve never seen before. Experiencing new cultures and new ways of life is always an eye-opening way to spend a summer. But you don’t have to do that just because you’re going a long way. Some people like to go further to find a place with tropical weather, blue skies and crystal clear seas. So, to put it simply, going further is about getting those things that simply can’t be found at home, and this is why we all enjoy traveling far and wide now and then.
However, there are plenty of not so good things about having to go a long way. For a start, many people aren’t suited to massive culture shocks. If you’re the kind of person that likes to be comfortable in surroundings that are at least notionally familiar to you, this won't be for you. And sometimes a short summer break doesn’t offer you the time you need to fully get to grips with a culture that’s totally alien to you. This comes down to your personality and how you cope with things that are new and different. Travel time is another factor to consider. Going a long way means spending a long time on a plane, is that something you want?

Spending Summer at Home & Opting for a Staycation
ProsSpending your summer at home might not be as exciting as exploring somewhere new, but there are many reasons to try it. For a start, it’s affordable. Going a long way often means spending money. But you don't have to do that if you focus on exploring the great things that are within your area. Many people have no idea about all the great things their home city or country has to offer. Or you could create a summer retreat in your own back garden. Log sheds and cabins make great bases for your garden summer. As long as the sun turns up, you’ll have a great time.
Staycations can run out of steam if you don’t plan them out and come up with activities, though. This is especially true if you have children that you're going to need to keep entertained through the summer weeks and months. Do some planning; it can start right now because we’re not too far away from summer. You could also be let down by the weather. If you don’t live in a location with particularly great weather, you’ll be leaving this down to chance. Whereas if you head to a tropical location, sun and warmth will be pretty much guaranteed.